Conference on Research and Innovation to transform Society and Economy

File image: Mr Wilson Thompson.

THE National Research Institute in conjunction with the Ministry and Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology will host a two-day conference next week 15 and 16th October 2024, that will discuss the way forward to streamline research to deliver social and economic solutions to PNG.

Papua New Guinea has over 33 state agencies responsible for research, either directed by legislation or by policy. Some are specialist research organisations such as  Melanesian Institute, Coffee Research Institute, National Research Institute, Institute of Medical Research, Forest Research Institute, National Agriculture Research Institute, Geological Survey , Institute of PNG Studies, whilst others are directed by law to conduct specific research such as National Housing Corporation, National Energy Authority, Rubber Board, Kokonas Indastri Koporesen, Cocoa Board, National Museum or National Cultural Commission.

“We cannot see the value derived from specific research and even quantify certain outcomes or changes despite almost all government departments with a section of division on research and the myriad of research agencies that all moving in all directions. There is no unity, collaboration, sharing of resources or even targeting a specific outcome. “.

In September 2022, the Prime Minister hosted all heads of universities and research institutes at NRI and emphasised the need to ensure data collection, analysis and interpretation is necessary for evidenced based decision making and policies.

This vision is captured in the MTDS 4 under Research and Innovation and specific allocation for research purposes to all universities and agencies to focus to industry focus and industry driven research with emphasis on innovation and change.

The National Research Institute, tasked to undertake research into social, political, cultural and economic issues to provide policy alternatives to improve the society and economy of PNG. Further, NRI is directed to train researchers for the whole country and also and monitor research in the country and also on PNG conducted outside and to report to the government and people of PNG.

The Government has adopted Medium Term Development 4 and specific outcomes are expected in research and Innovation and all the 8 Universities and 9 Research Institute would present on their challenges and the opportunities and achievements and the new areas.

The other presentation would be where the research direction and focus in each sector – primary industry (agriculture, forestry, fisheries), extractive sector (oil and gas and minerals), social change, culture and land, education, family and public policy, disaster management.

The Minister for HERSTS, Hon Kinoka Feo will provide the keynote address and the expectations of the government, followed by key departments and agencies to direct research to specific outcomes and to ensure there is collaboration, direction and control and sharing of resources including the establishment of Research Grant Schemer and guidelines to access it.

The Government has appropriated K1 million each to Unitech, UPNG, University of Natural Resource and Environment and UOG to focus on agriculture research on top of their other research funding. Further, K5 million each were provided for coffee, cocoa and coconut industry and also to National Agriculture Research Institute on top of their research grants.

Other agencies such as National Youth Service, Department of Labour and Employment, Department of Agriculture and Livestock, IPA, Customs the national universities, National Statistical Office given funding for research and data collection, management and analysis and interpretation.