The Gulf LMP (Labour Mobilty Programme) in the last 6 months has focused on recruiting, empowering and educating Youths from Kerema to work abroad.
Yesterday(Monday 28th October) the team sent 4 boys from Kerema Town and 2 from Kantiba to Christ Church New Zealand via Sydney. These boys will be accommodated in motels and working in the Vinyard as Wine Pressers until 2025.
Currently a total of 26 have been sent to New Zealand this month whilst 3 females are currently at APTC for a 3 weeks training before departing to their various locations in Australia to work in Age Care and Early Childhood Learning. This are the Pioneer batch from Gulf as part of Gulf Governors vision to give hope to youths in Gulf Province.
Thanks to Hon. Chris Haiveta, Gulf Provincial Government and Gulf LMP, this youths will finally get to experience the life abroad while working and one day return back to PNG to help their families and fulfill their dreams with their hard earned income.