AFTER waiting two and half years, Eric Morea from Tatana village in Moresby Northwest electorate has finally earned himself a rewarding opportunity that sets him to work in Australia under the Labor mobility program along with his eight other friends.
“I am excited, because this is a big opportunity for me and my family. I am the eldest in the family, which I try to do every means and necessary way to at least put food on the table”, Eric expressed.

Eric is grateful for his friends who connected him with different people and assisted with processing his documents, went through different procedures to finally leaving the country for employment opportunity.
He recalled his past experiences with numerous other hubs and organisations where he underwent different interviews with them and he kept waiting in the pool for doors to opportunities to open up.
“When I came through this hub, Moresby Northwest, the team leader coordinating the Labor mobility unit selected me, and was successful after doing my interview”, Eric stated in an interview at the farewell function.
“I thank the good Lord for seeing me through, coming past so many challenges and to finally be one of the nine people selected”, he said.
Eric with his nine other friends are fortunate to have been assisted by the Member for Northwest, which they had the luxury of him coming on board to assist them with funds to acquire their medical reports.
Eric said that one of the biggest challenges was paying for the medical fees as well as renewing police clearance which there are costs that goes along with it.
“I am really honored and thankful that Moresby Northwest Member did this for us and is a huge relief for us”, he said.
He conveyed his great appreciation to all the people that have been working behind the scene and sorting out every agendas that would open up the greatest opportunity in their life, to attain the chance of being employed abroad.