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HomeNewsProfessor Siba turns down public forum invitation

Professor Siba turns down public forum invitation


DISTINGUISHED virologist and leading medical researcher, Professor Peter Siba has turned down the UPNG SRC’s invitation to join the upcoming panel discussion on Covid-19 and vaccination currently being rolled out in the nation’s capital.

Prof Siba has been the former Director of PNG Institute of Medical Research (PNGIMR). He has been actively questioning the validity and safety of the proposed AstraZeneca vaccine on social media has not given a clear reason as to why.

“Prof Siba has turned down the invitation to take part in the panel even over the option of participation through a zoom video conference,” the organizer of the debate and UPNG SRC President Bradley Yombon-Copio told PNG Bulletin.  

“This timely initiative by the UPNG SRC will be the first open discussion broadcasted through live streaming. It presents the optimal opportunity for the panelists to air out and disseminate the information currently circulating on social media, and for Prof Siba it would’ve been the platform to vocalize his personal views and get the answers from the very medical professions he called out to for answers.”

However, now with Prof Siba’s absence, the panelists that have accepted the invitations will begin with the event hosted by the UPNG SRC next week Wednesday.

They include Dr Moses Laman, Professor Sir Isi Kevau, Professor Glen Mola, Dr Andrew Masta and Professor John Vince.

The public will be able to listen in on the discussion in real time and be able to contribute and participate through the live streaming on Facebook.

While Prof Siba’s refusal to accept the invitation has left many of his followers in question, the panel discussion will be an event to watch.

Tune into the Sunday Bulletin Facebook page on Wednesday 7th of April to watch the event live.   

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