PNGDF to freight PNG products for Dubai Expo 2021

Deputy Commissioner General for the Dubai Expo 2021 Jacinta Warakai-Manua, IPA Representative, Beverly Puton Piawu and members of the PNGDF witness the packing of PNG products into a container at ATS last Wednesday. Photo: Harlyne Joku/PNG Bulletin


THE PNG Defence Force is playing a key role in moving PNG products in time for  display  at the opening of the 2021 Dubai Expo on October 1st.

This is the first for the PNGDF to be involved in moving freight for  a World Expo and they are doing an excellent job, Commissioner General of the Dubai Expo Ambassador Joshua Kalinoe and the Deputy Commissioner General Jacinta Warakai-Manua  both expressed  in separate remarks.

The Defence Air Transport Squadron Unit was a hive of activity with soldiers packing pallets of PNG Water, Besta Mackeral Tinned Fish, Dolly Tuna, PNG Coffee, paintings and artifacts into a container on Wednesday the 30th of June, this week.

Deputy Commissioner General Ms Manua thanked Major Elizah Selan  who headed the team from the Defence Force Operations Procurement for  assisting professionally in packing and moving freight to Dubai.

She also thanked the government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for assisting PNG in freight costs and the building of the PNG pavilion.

“They (UAE) see PNG as having a great  potential as a developing country to have as a partner,” Ms Warakai – Manua said.

She said the 2021 Dubai Expo will not be just about exhibiting products but in information technology  and virtual meetings held each week.

The Deputy Commissioner General added this is the first time  the government of PNG is taking a ‘whole out’ approach were all government departments including IPA, NFA, Forestry, National Planning, Foreign Affairs, the PNGDF and others were all working together to make the PNG pavilion a success.

A total of 192 countries from all over the world will be participating in the six months expo.

The Department of ICT will take lead in telling the PNG story electronically, whilst sharing details of Papua New Guinea’s participation, including its elements of the strategy and the pavilion design, and contents for public consumption to be accessible on various, media platforms.