I WRITE this comment in response to the Government’s recent move to label Papua New Guinea as a Christian country by amending the National Constitution or ‘Mama Law’. The ramifications of this move could well be that churches currently operating in the country may have their operations limited by restrictions or those churches and religions which fall outside the approved criteria to qualify as a Christian church may be subjected to discrimination.
In fact, all religions and churches now present in the country have been enjoying harmonious co-existence since independence and I cannot think of any drastic incident that may have triggered this move for the Government to discriminate other churches and religions.
During the past weeks, our newspapers carried paid advertisements the contents which outlined schedules and/or programs to begin the process to Christianize this country. I have two parts to my comments regarding the move.
Part I: Not All Churches Have Christian Roots
The first part of my comment is that not all churches have Christian roots. Looking at it from historical perspective, all so-called Christian churches have their origins, principles and basic reasons as to why founders like William Miller and Helen G White of the Seventh-day Adventist movement launched their faith and beliefs against mainstream Christianity, which, at the time was predominantly the Eastern Roman Catholic Church as the principal church in the spread of Christianity.
The mainstream Christian churches would include the Protestant Churches led by Lutheran and Pentecostal and Evangelical Churches, who promote Ecumenical movement to unify and strengthen one Christian Faith and one doctrine of Trinity. And all of which, branching out from the Doctrine of Trinity – the cornerstone of mainstream Christian Faith. This doctrine of Trinity base their faith in the ‘Son (Jesus Christ), the Father (God the Supreme Being) and the Holy Spirit (Enforcer of Faith).
The Seventh-day Adventists, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Orthodox and Judaism and the Mormons are not part of mainstream Christian churches because their principles and platforms upon which they built their faith and churches are not by 100% in conformity with Jesus Christ and His teachings. However, for these churches, they have incorporated some teachings of Jesus Christ and scriptures of the New Testament which best suit their faith and principles.
As for the Orthodox and Judaism, they believe they are the true and original mainstream religion of ancestors Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David and Solomon. They put Jesus Christ to death some 2020 years ago for blasphemy, accusing Him of preaching against established religious principles and doctrines of the religion, which eventually resulted in a major split; whereupon the breakaway faction calling themselves as Followers of Christ or Christ-ians (Christians). This was the beginning of Christianity.
The Roman Catholic, being the principal Church kept the Christian faith alive from the time of 12 disciples up to now, whereupon Jesus Himself built His Church by appointing Simon as Peter (meaning rock, upon which he laid the foundations for His Church) with Peter as the Head of the Church. This is the origin of Christian churches.
The Seventh-day Adventists are millennium believers in which Jesus as high Priest was to advent to Earth after 1,000 years. When Jesus Christ failed to return or advent to Earth in 1844, many members of the congregation left the movement in disappointment. This is known as the ‘Great Disappointment’. However, from few as 300 members in the USA, Helen G White, taking over from William Miller, revived the movement basically by putting emphasis on education and health-care as a way to lure ordinary people to becoming members of the movement. She redefined and realigned the movement with some of her thoughts and writings by incorporating it with the teachings of Jesus Christ, but basing their faith entirely in the scriptures of the Old Testament with great emphasis on the Ten Commandments and laws of God. She instead convinced church members that in 1844, Jesus Christ took up his position as high Priest in Heaven and preparing it to launch God’s Heavenly Kingdom on Earth when He advents.
The Seventh-day Adventist members do not believe in Hell or Holy Spirit neither the doctrine of Trinity. They have initially clashed with commercial interests of countries they operate under because they refuse to attend to work on Saturdays, including defying lawful orders to join the national army.
The Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that only 144,000 faithful believers will take up available but limited places in Heaven upon advent of Jesus Christ who is Jehovah God’s Agent or Servant in the fulfilment of scriptures. Both Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe in events such as Christmas holidays and Easter breaks, as they see them to be earthly and unholy, but these are the two most important events which mark the life of Jesus on Earth upheld and celebrated by Christian churches. This is because these churches are not part of mainstream Christians.
The other religions such as Judaism, Orthodox, Muslims (Islam), Buddhism, Hinduism, Bahai and Santoism have similar principles such as; ‘don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t corrupt one’s mind, don’t swear and gossip, no sex outside of marriage and so forth. All religions promote peace and good conduct and peaceful co-existence. Even our own ancestors, who were primitive at the time, promoted peace and harmony because any breach of it usually resulted in tribal fights.
It’s quite difficult to tell which church that claims to be a Christian church to be given the approval by the Government to operate in the country because ‘not all churches have Christian roots’. Because my understanding of a Christian church is one that upholds the teachings of Jesus Christ and His doctrine of Trinity- i.e. believing in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and recognizing events such as Christmas and Easter.
Hence, the question is ‘if the Government is to discriminate religion, how could it distinguish between the mainstream Christian churches who believe in the doctrine of Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and the Scriptures of the New Testament as against those half baked Christian churches such as Seventh-day Adventist and Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormons? What would be the criteria and requirements to qualifying a church as a Christian church? Obviously, the Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons would be the ones most affected by this proposed amendments. Or should both full baked and half baked Christian churches be counted in as Christians?
By denying or limiting ‘freedom of religion’ also infringes on one’s democratic right to choose religion as well as freedom of association. Or should the Churches who do not meet the criteria or requirements of a ‘Christian Church’ be expelled from operating in PNG?
I view it (move to Christianize PNG and discriminate other religions and churches) to be making a mockery of the National Constitution as it borders on the rights of individuals and church organizations to exercise their rights to freedom of religion and association. It’s sinful to discriminate other churches and religions in favour of Christianity. Of course, majority of Papua New Guineans attend Christian churches but that does not qualify PNG to replace Israel and claim homeland of Christianity. This doomsday insanity must stop.
It is also not crystal clear which church or religion holds true values and norms and principles acceptable to true God. It appears that the Christians, Orthodox or Judaism, Muslims (Islam), Catholics, Seventh-day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons; all worship the same God of Abraham, Moses, Jacob, David and Solomon.
Part II: Loss of Identity and Cultural Genocide
My second comment relates to ‘Loss of Identity and ‘Cultural Genocide‘. I am afraid the Government is being ill-advised to commit unforgiving crime to erase our customary norms and values, myths and beliefs, taboos and practices, possessions and inheritance and generally to abandon our unique heritage in favour of foreign beliefs and culture. The move has already begun with the installation of a 400 years old Christian Bible in Parliament in 2015 with the removal of our carvings, totems, designs, paintings, sculptures and artifacts.
Whilst I categorically oppose and condemn this insanity of anti–PNG, anti–Melanesian or anti–Pacific sentiments and moves orchestrated by politicians and leaders indulged in foreign influences evil to our traditions and cultures, I am also deeply saddened and disturbed by the very low level of IQ or intelligence, knowledge, expertise, exposure and experience prevalent in our current generation of leaders and bureaucrats and advisors who are in the front line making decisions. They lack the intellectual ability to focus, foresee and predict future outcomes of the decisions they make. They are not only narrow and shallow in mind but also do not have full grasp of skills of assessment and reasoning.
The move will have serious implications on our International Relations. PNG has a Foreign Policy of ‘Friends to All and Enemy to None’ hence, not all countries that have relations with PNG are Christian countries. For instance, countries in Asia such as China and Japan and countries in the Middle-East such as UEA, which host Dubai. Certainly, PNG will be sending wrong signals to these very important friends and partners. Religion is an intrigue and inherent part of their cultural heritage and it will be wrong for PNG to degrade or discriminate it because it constitutes fundamental aspect of their human race and kind. In any case, all relations revolve around religion and cultural identity.
The Father of the Nation late Sir Michael Somare died a sad man when he saw our carvings, artifacts, totems, paintings and ‘bilas’ (decoration) being removed from the National Parliament House to give way to a Christian Bible. This is an unforgiving offence as it destroys our cultural identity. All leaders must wake up and stop this insanity and crazy stupidity of destroying our cultural heritage and our identity. Enough is enough. The days of foreigners to put rings around our necks and drag us around and tell us to do this and that are long gone. We must protect and promote our cultural identity and stand up to face the world as what we are.
This insanity promoted by doomsday prophets must stop. The Government must not be misled by false prophets with narrow and shallow mindsets. Allow all churches and religions to operate freely and live in peaceful co-existence without fear or favour. Preserve and protect what is ours and give to Israel or Europeans what is theirs. PNG cannot trade or exchange its identity for a price or for a foreign culture.
The author is a Private Consultant and frequent contributor of articles to this website
The Constitution provides for freedom of religion. The word ‘religion needs a clear definition. Which religions are allowed and which should be banned?
Satanism is a religion and cant be stopped under the current law. This religion now has a pending case in Australia fighting to teach Satanism in schools.
This is a loop hole in our constitution giving religious liberty to any religion. I believe that is one reason why this proposed law is being backed by churches.
I think freedom of religion should be defined and this will disqualify dangerous religions from entering our nation.
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