DECLARING PNG as a Christina country will never in any way or form affect or infringe on the constitutional rights of the people from practising other religions, faiths or beliefs of their choice in the country.
The Constitutional Law Reform Commission (CLRC) Chairman Kevin Isifu made these remarks when officially presenting the final report on the Review to Declare PNG as a Christian country in the Constitution to the Prime Minister James Marape today.
“Among all these different recommendations we have put through, not even one of those recommendations will affect our brothers and sisters from other religions to practice their faith or belief,” he said.
The presentation was witnessed by CLRC Commissioner Ms. Martha Kokiva, Secretary Dr. Mange Matui, CLRC Senior Management, Acting Secretary of the Department of Community Development and Religion Mr. Jerry Ubase and officials from the Office of the Prime Minister.
He said the Commission believes the recommendations, both legal and policy, are sound to declare PNG as Christian country in the Constitution and to give prominence to God in the Preamble of the Constitution, among other things.
Mr Isifu said these recommendations have been backed by more 70 per cent of the people consulted in the 21 provinces and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, who have clearly stated for the Constitution to be amended to that effect.
“The recommendations contained in this Report, Prime Minister, reflects the views of our people from the 21 provinces and AROB and it is my firm belief that these recommendations will not only give us an identity as a Nation but most importantly exist to shape, mould and direct this nation today and into the future,” he said.
“I hope that the recommendations contained herein will be given serious consideration and endorsement by this Government.
He sincerely thanked the government, for their consistent support in ensuring that the Inquiry was undertaken resulting in this Report.
Chairman Isifu said time is of essence as the changes proposed concern the Constitution and any changes to the Constitution, will require adherence to strict constitutional procedures.
He said CLRC stands ready to commence work on the relevant Constitutional amendments and reforms immediately with other relevant government agencies.
CLRC thanked key partner government agencies particularly theDepartment of Community Development and Religion and the Department of Justice and Attorney General.
CLRC also acknowledged everyone who participated in the Inquiry including the provincial administrations, Members of Parliament, and the public.
The review was completed in record time of six weeks following its launch by the Prime Minister on the 23rd of April 2021 as opposed to the normal inquiries for constitutional directives that usually take 18 months to two years to complete.
CLRC is the only government agency mandated by the Constitution to review the Constitution itself, Organic Laws and all other laws, which also legally requires consulting people from all the 21 provinces and the AROB.