Bishop Santos condemns lack of law and order in Alotau

Bishop Rolando Santos. Photo: supplied

Head of the Catholic parishes under Alotau-Sidea diocese, Bishop Rolando Santos has condemned the breakdown in law and order in Alotau, Miline Bay.

Bishop Santos was referring to the recently burnt down police barracks, looting of commercial establishments and how rascals terrorized the whole community with powerful weapons.

“We cannot just turn a blind eye on what is going on. These things need to be faced squarely and addressed according to the law while respecting the rights of everybody, including those of suspected criminals.

“We commend the efforts of the provincial and police authorities who desire to restore law and order.  It is their sacred duty to protect the people and bring those guilty to justice.

“The police investigation should address the very root of the problem. Who are those involved in causing the problem? What is the reason for the proliferation of rascals? What is emboldening them to do what they do?  How do they get their weapons and ammunition?  Who is buying the stolen goods? Who are the people supporting them and why?”

Even the clergies in the province have been victims of the crime rise. Two months ago, Catholic priests residing at the Fr John Sinou House were attacked by over 50 rascals who assaulted six priests and badly injured a priest who refused to open an empty safe for the rascals.

Bishop Rolando said all pastors and church communities have a special contribution to the building of peace and order in the province and called for cooperation.

“If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do the laborers labor. All Christians are called to commit themselves more to the work of evangelization,” said Bishop Rolando.