Bougainville betelnut to be sold at Kaugere Market, Port Moresby

Port Moresby South MP Justin Tkatchenko purchasing the first bag of betelnut from Bougainville Regional MP Tsiamalili Jnr to officially open the betelnut wholesale in his electorate. Photo: Charlie Dumavi/PNG Bulletin


A JOINT agreement will now see the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB) betelnuts to be sold at Kaugere Market in the Moresby South electorate.

The betelnut sales was given approval by the National Capital District to be sold at the venue in bulk only where resellers can buy and go sell it elsewhere in loose.

This was the initiative of the Regional Member for Bougainville Peter Tsiamalili Jnr which was agreed by Port Moresby South member Justin Tkatchenko.

Port Moresby South MP Justin Tkatchenko (left) and Regional Bougainville MP Peter Tsiamalili Jnr launching the sale of first 26 betelnut bags from AROB at new Kaugere market today June 15, 2021. Photo: Charlie Dumavi/PNG Bulletin

A total of 26 batches of first betelnut bags brought in from South Bougainville was today sold at K300 each at the Kaugere market by Tsiamalili Jnr. The price will increase to K500 per bag for the later sales.

Tsiamalili Jnr said the initiative is to give the economic power to the people of Bougainville.

Tsiamalili said they have an application already developed by a young Bougainvillean called Jordan Beks where all other fresh produce like Taro, sweet potatoes and betelnut can be purchased online.

The software application is called ‘eDidiman’ where you can use, to purchase the produce online and download your receipt, bring it to the venue and show it to the seller and take your purchase home.

“That part of our security managing funds and everything is transparent so the mothers at home can see what they are making and at the same time there is no cash handling at the market site,” Tsiamalili said.

He added that he is also in talks with Lae MP John Rosso to see the same happens in Lae.

Tkatchenko said the agreement entered with AROB is a win-win for the people of Moresby South and the AROB not only on betelnut sales alone but fresh vegetables as well.