Tuesday, April 1, 2025


April 1, 2022

EVENT Organizers in the country can now save money and avoid the hassle to print tickets or to rent venues to sell them, thanks to Ticket Bilum App.

Ticket Bilum is a mobile app that was designed by a local web designer Tidman Ikosi and introduced in 2020.

The app allows customers to pay for event tickets online using mobile airtime credits and bankcards.

The ticket is delivered immediately as a special QR code to the customer’s mobile phone after payment.

This digital ticket code will be scanned by a QR code reader that is provided by the event organizers for the customer to be given access to the event.

“Being an app-based service, online payments bring ease and convenience to payment. Customers no longer have to stand in line or make a call to reserve tickets or get to a specific location to buy tickets. Payment or selling of event tickets can now be done literally anywhere, anytime and at your fingertips using your mobile phone. I am also able to track every payment being made via the app in real time from anywhere in the world,” said the Ticket Bilum App Founder and Owner Ikosi.

Ikosi is one of the innovative Papua new Guineans, who, by developing technology are revolutionizing the way things are done in Papua New Guinea.

The Ticket Bilum App, after successful integration with the BSP Internet Payment Gateway has been a relief for event organizers since 2020.


Here are the steps on how to use the Ticket Bilum App:

  1. Download the Ticket Bilum app from Google Play Store or Apple Play Store
  2. Register your Sign In details and password to log on (Name, email address or Bmobile number)
  3. Select the ticket available from the category of (a) Movies (b) Theatre (c) Sports (d) Events
  4. Choose payment method- either by using BSP Bank Card or with Bmobile Airtime Credits (This option is available only to Bmobile subscribers at this point)
  5. A receipt will be displayed on the app with your unique QR code.
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