MINISTER for Defence and Emergency Services, Hon. Dr Billy Joseph, has highlighted the importance of Papua New Guinea’s security relations with Pacific Partners.
In a statement today, Minister Joseph said Papua New Guinea has a shared history and values with its friends (Pacific Partners).
“These shared values have shaped our nation in the fifty years of nationhood,” he stated.
“Friends to all, Enemies to none formed our pathway to our foreign relationships, many of which emerged from common land and maritime boundaries and shared values, Minister Joseph added.
He said the relationship developed together between Australia and Papua New Guinea, as close neighbors, has provided the impetus to foster PNG’s common national security interests.
“PNG Defence Force is committed to our long tradition of engaging with our Pacific partners to collectively meet and respond to regional security needs.
“This traditional engagement is articulated in the Biketawa 2000 and Boe 2018 Declarations, and as can be seen through multilateral institutions such the South Pacific Defence Ministers’ meeting and the Pacific Islands Forum.
“PNG values all of its bilateral relationships and partnerships, including the support we are provided from its international defence cooperation through various bilateral and multilateral engagements.”
Minister Joseph further clarified that PNGDF’s cooperation and engagement with international partners is conducted according to PNG’s foreign policy settings and principles for engagement.
“These cooperation and engagement are crucial as they strengthen Defence’s ability to meet its mandated tasks and provide an avenue for Defence to enhance its understanding of the regional and international security environments,” he said.
Minister Joseph added that PNGDF has strong established relationships with its key partners, which include but are not limited to Australia, New Zealand, the U.S. and Indonesia.
He said the support PNG has received from Australia, and the U.S on the Lombrum Redevelopment Project in Manus is unprecedented.
“This facility will enable the PNGDF to conduct maritime operations combating illegal fishing, transitional crime, and border protection.
“This enhances the ability of the Force to meet its Constitutional functions to defend PNG and its territory. Our partners understand the importance PNG places on the Treaty of Rarotonga.”
The Minister added that PNG must also choose its bilateral relationships based on longstanding historical ties, intertwined security interests, deep interpersonal links, shared democratic values, and mutual interest for a safer and peaceful region.