Despite slowness, census progressing well, says Marape

Prime Minister James Marape speaking during the press conference on Thursday 15th August at Manasupe Haus in Port Moresby. BulletinPic By JOEL K ANDREW


PRIME Minister James Marape admits that the 2024 census is progressing slowly due to challenges in getting everyone recorded but expects to have it completed.

He said in a media conference yesterday that even though the work is slow, the government remains optimistic about its completion.

“We are getting good reports that work is progressing, although it is slow,” PM Marape said.

“We expect big work like this to also face hiccups but the inputs are still coming in,” he said added.

PM Marape indicated that by the end of this month (August), Minister for Administrative Services, Richard Masere, and the National Statistics Office will provide an update.

He anticipates that the census exercise will take some time due to the scale of the task and the geographical dispersion of the population.

“I do not expect it to be completed in weeks just for us to come up with the number because it’s a big task.

“To go to all parts of our country, whether by air, land, or sea, is a big task that our enumerators are undertaking.”

The Prime Minister thanked all provincial administrators, census officials, and the enumerators for their efforts in making sure everyone is counted.

“I want to take this time to thank those who are out there in the field counting.

“I appeal to them to continue working and keep recording the numbers.

“By the end of this month, we would like to give an update on where the numbers stand,” PM said.

He assured the nation that the census will not be left half done or incomplete, as it is a crucial task for the country.

The Prime Minister also highlighted the importance of completing the census before the 2024 Local Level Government (LLG) elections.

“Counting people is as important as the election for the LLG, and we will complete one task before moving on to the LLG elections.

“I want to indicate to the country that the census takes precedence and will be given full efforts to complete before we move on to the LLG elections.”