Fly River PEC approves new LLGs for North Fly electorate

Proposed West Ningerum LLG government station. Photo: supplied


THE Nomad Rural Local Level Government (NRLLG) will no longer be politically or administratively under the Middle Fly electorate.

A strategic decision was made recently for the constituency to receive full government funding and necessary support as required by law.

The facilitator and implementer behind this strategic move is the North Fly Open MP and Opposition strongman James Donald.

Donald admitted that for so long the NRLLG has been politically and administratively neglected due to its location between the Middle Fly and North Fly electorates making it practically impossible for either electorate to take responsibility accordingly.

Donald reiterated that the Fly River Provincial Executive Council (PEC) in it’s decision number 68/2021 has accepted North Fly District Development Authority’s submission and granted their approval for the transfer of Nomad Rural LLG from Middle Fly electorate to North Fly electorate and subsequent proclamation both politically and administratively under the North Fly electorate.

The NFDDA chairman clarified that the PEC further directed the Western Province Administration to formulate an NEC submission in consultation with the Department of Provincial Local Level Government Affairs (DPLLGA) for endorsement and gazettal.

Donald confirmed that the PEC also deliberated on our separate submission decision number 69/2021 to grant approval for the following LLGs in the North Fly Open electorate split and create new additional LLGs.

The LLGs that were granted approval by the PEC includes:

  1. Nomad Rural LLG remains while one new proposed Bedamuni LLG be created with the proposed government station at Mogulu.
  2. Kiunga Rural LLG remains while two new LLGs are created proposed to be Fly Strickland LLG with proposed government station to be at Iowara and Yongom LLG government station to be at Atkamba.
  3. Ningerum LLG remains while two new ones are created proposed to be Aekyom LLG and West Ningerum LLG with proposed locations of government station at Hawenai and Okau respectively.
  4. Olsobip LLG remain while two new ones are created proposed to be Kaban Blutter LLG and Murray Valley LLG with proposed government station at Dumunak and Selbang respectively.
  5. Donald added that in the next few weeks the NFDDA will commence having dialogues with the DPLLGA and Electoral Boundaries Commission (EBC) for final processes leading towards the NEC submission and presentation.

“Decision making at the LLG level is done. Decision making at the DDA level is done similarly at the PEC level and finally submission to the highest NEC level is under progress for final verification, approval and gazettal,” the MP said.

A determined Donald in his summary maintained that staying focused and committed is the way forward in ensuring some of the chronic issues or matters of political leadership and governance at the district and provincial levels are resolved amicably, thus creating platforms for greater growth into the future.