Governor Yoto aims to embrace Western Province’s Development Vision


GOVERNOR of Western Province Hon. Taboi Awi Yoto has once again made his commitment to serve his people of Western promoting a healthy, educated and wealthy province.

Hon. Yoto was present during the launching of the Western Province Integrated Development Plan (2023- 2027) and the four District Development Plans (2023- 2027) last Friday along with other senior Members of Parliament.

He recalled his time back in 2017 when he was successful in the National Election, and he brought every elected Members and Local Level Government Presidents (LLG) including the concerned development partners together to host the second Development Forum in 2018.

Launch of the Western Province Development Plan 2023-2027 including the launch of the 4 district Developmemt plans at Daru oval. Picture supplied.

In that period, Governor Yoto was focused on chartering development course of his province, in which they were developed the “New Way Forward Plan” (WPIDP 2018- 2022) together with that of the three districts. He continued hosting the third Development Forum in November 2023 after he was re-elected in 2022.

“The primary strategic focus of my government for the 3rd forum was to reassess the plan under the banner ‘New Way Forward’ and chart a development pathway for the medium term ahead”, Governor, explained.

“During the forum, Ok Tedi Development Forum (OTDF), Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) and PNG Sustainable Development Program (PNGSDP) reaffirmed their commitments, and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) signed a commitment to work with Western Province’’.

Although, many positive signs observed so far, Governor Yoto was mindful of the challenges involved along the way. Stakeholders presented both, challenges and success in delivering the plan.

“I am satisfied, that the Provincial Development Plan is a detailed document capturing development aspirations of the people of the province. This plan aligns with the National Government’s Medium Term Development Plan 4, the strategic Development Plan (2010- 2030) and the National Government’s vision 2050”.

He further acknowledged the effort and collaborative work of Australian Government, Ok Tedi Mine Ltd, and its subsidiary, the Ok Tedi Development Foundation, PNG Sustainable Development Program, North Fly Rubber Ltd, and incoming LNG companies as well the private sectors, NGO’s and development partners.

Governor Yoto commended the team from National Planning and Monitoring and its partners including the Provincial Administration to continue with the good work to achieve better outcome for his people and the province.


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