It’s free education for elementary, universities and colleges in 2022: Marape

Prime Minister James Marape addressing the people of Simbai. Photo: PM's Media Unit

LEADER of the ruling Pangu Pati and Prime Minister James Marape plans to make education free for all from elementary schools up to universities and colleges next year.

He made the announcement when officiating at the ground-breaking ceremony for stage works of Simbai High School in Madang yesterday (May 27).

Prime Minister Marape said due to the impacts of COVID-19 on the economy “my government is planning to make education free for all from elementary schools up to universities and colleges next year.”

“Take back PNG is all about empowering our citizens so we can be able to control our destiny ourselves.

“The first place of empowerment is empowering our children through education so that as they grow up and become adults, they can manage their own destiny,” Marape reiterated.


  1. Should have done that and continue with the previous PO government policy for the remaining years once you took over but why next year….?

  2. That’s powerfull no matter what people may say negative comments because I am a victim who have faced school fee problem almost 21 solid years even though I got offer from universities.

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