K6mil allocated to renovate Jakarta Embassy

Minister Justin Tkatchenko addresing PNG Embassy officials in Jakarta, Indonesia

FOREIGN Affairs Minister, Hon Justin Tkatchenko during an official visit has announced that K6 million has been allocated within the 2023 budget for the renovation of Papua New Guinea’s embassy office and as well as all its state-owned properties in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The embassy is the first of four foreign missions that the government has approved for renovation and refurbishment.

‘’I look forward in renovating the properties, getting them back to a modern standard as the Republic of Indonesia is an important diplomatic partner to Papua New Guinea,’’ said Minister Tkatchenko.

He said the government is firm in its commitment to transform all missions overseas and this is demonstrated by the tripling of The Department of Foreign Affairs budget to K120 million for 2023, thus, resulting in the biggest allocation ever received by the department.

‘’Foreign Affairs used to be the premier department, but over the last 15 to 25 years, it had gone down, not enough input, commitment, responsibility and loyalty,’’ said Minister Tkatchenko.

He further added that all of these is going to change, now with the government supporting him all the way. 

The foreign affairs minister also stressed that the refurbishment work needed for all the country’s missions abroad, including Indonesia was long overdue.

‘’We have secured K6m for the refurbishment of this office as well as all the properties in Jakarta starting in the first quarter of next year,’’ said Minister Tkatchenko.

He said he is looking forward in renovating all the properties and as well as the embassy office, getting them back to a class standard to show everyone that Indonesia is a prime location.

Aside from the renovation plans, an official appointment for a permanent Papua New Guinea Ambassador to Indonesia has also been prioritized.

*Attached are pictures of Hon Justin Tkatchenko with officials from the PNG Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia and as well as a picture (from left to right) of Immigration Attaché Mr Daniel Mea, Defense Attaché Colonel Dominic Bulongol, Foreign Minister Hon Justin Tkatchenko MP, Charge D’Affaires Mr Simon Namis and Minister Counsellor Mr Gregory Hombuahin at The PNG Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia.