MEMBER for Samarai – Murua Hon. Isi Henry Leonard has launched the Kekeisi-1 fishing vessel, a project aimed at serving the economic needs of the coastal communities in the district.
This launch marks a development initiative for the district and is a step toward overcoming geographical challenges and creating economic opportunities for the people.

The Samarai-Murua district, comprising four local level governments (LLGs), is led by Hon. Leonard, who is pursuing avenues to unlock the district’s economic potential.
“We want to take advantage of these challenges to explore business and economic opportunities for socioeconomic development,” the honourable member for Samarai- Murua stated whilst giving an overview of his district projects and programs during the launching yesterday in Port Moresby,” he said.

Leonard pointed out the key projects including Coastal Fishing Program in partnership with Thailand investor, Carbon Trade and Eco Tourism Development in partnership with Dubai investor as well as the Alluvial Gold mining, processing and marketing in partnership with locally 100 percent PNG-owned company.
Speaking about the fisheries project, he shared that the Samarai-Murua District has received a fishing license and established a partnership between a local private company and a Thai investor.
“I can already see that this program will greatly assist and create local business spin offs and contribute to the growth of MSME in the District and the Province,” he stated.
Furthermore, Hon Leonard also announced of the district having been given the privilege to work in partnership with several valuable investors as a result of the Dubai Expo 2022 journey.
He highlighted the monetization of the forest resources on the Woodlark Island that has already begun work as it will be utilized to sell carbon credits.

“I would like to encourage the government to invest in sustainable sectors, especially tourism. We all know Tourism is a sleeping economic giant yet to be exploited in PNG. We cannot extract resources as one day oil, gas, gold, and copper will be depleted leaving people with nothing,” Leonard explained.
The MP is adamant about creating economic benefits and making things happen and he is counting on every available natural resource to turn into economic activity.
“We also have untapped potential in alluvial mining. We want to take ownership by exploiting through a tribal benefit sharing model in collaboration between investors and the local companies,” he elaborated.