MINISTER for Communications and Information Technology, Timothy Masiu has appealed for the release of EMTV staff Richard Magei from alleged police detention.
EMTV Online reports Mr Magei was believed to be detained by police around midday today after he reportedly filmed them destroying ‘buai’ markets at 5-mile market on his phone.

“I wish for Mr Magei’s unconditional release if he is indeed being held by police,” Minister Masiu said in a statement.
Minister Masiu this afternoon appealed for common sense to prevail in the reported detention of EMTV staff, Richard Magei by police in Port Moresby earlier today.
“I still need to be fully briefed on the incident but I appeal to everyone to let common sense prevail and resolve the matter quickly,” the Minister said.
But Minister Masiu said if reports of Mr Magei’s detention are indeed true then it doesn’t reflect well on the country’s image especially when we joined the rest of the world in celebrating World Press Freedom Day on Monday.
“The police and media have important roles to play in our community but we must respect each other while performing these roles,” Mr Masiu said.
He said he will also request the Police Commissioner for a copy of his report on the incident before deciding if a follow up statement is required or not.