Saturday, February 22, 2025


April 7, 2022

PRIME Minister James Marape received the Position Paper for the Wafi-Golpu Mining Project from Morobe Governor Ginson Saonu on Monday at Lae.

The K18 Billion project, which was expected to go ahead in 2019 had been stalled this long due to several issues that have already been tackled by Governor Saonu with the Morobe Provincial Government.

In the Position Paper, Governor Saonu outlined the timeline of events that were undertaken by the Morobe Provincial Government:

  1. July 11-12, 2018               –              First Development Forum in Lae
  2. August 8-9, 2018              –              Second Development Forum in Kokopo, ENB
  3. November 2018                –              Governor refused to sign MOU with State and Developer in Sydney during Mining Conference due to lack of prior consultation as required by National Mining Act
  • November 2018                –              Mining Minister and Deputy Prime Minister signed the MOU upon return to Port Moresby. 10% of States 30 equity was given away. MPG was ostracized and the people of Morobe Province were totally ignored by the previous government and the Developer
  • January 8-9, 2019             –              Governor’s visit to Babuaf, Yanta & Babuaf Landowners Associations for consultations. The Association requested transportation and money to mobilize themselves. The governor’s pledge of a Toyota 10-Seater Trooper each and K500,000 each were fulfilled to each group. Pledge of K500,000 to Wampar, Butibam and Wagang Landowners and K30,000 to SML 10 Women’s Group have all been met.
  • January 18, 2019               –              MPG responded to Wafi-Golpu Environment Impact Study and included a Position Statement highlighting alternative to DSTP
  • January 2019                      –              MPG initiated Court Case against former Government for excluding MPG in the signing of the MOU. MPG Court Action was endorsed by both PEC & Tutumang
  • September 2021               –              MPG took further Court action against State to oppose DSTP. Court Action supported by PEC Decision of 2019 against DSTP and supported by ELC-PNG.

Governor Saonu explained that the people in Morobe Province who had been impacted and affected, together with the rest of Morobe Province could, as stated in the Position Paper now place to record that:

  1. The National Government and Developer can reopen the Wafi-Golpu Mine as clearly shown by the peoples stand on “Yes to Wafi-Golpu” but are concurrently against DSTP as clearly shown by the people’s stand on “No to DSTP”
  2. The people would prefer terrestrial dam to store mine tailings and waste but are sensitive of dangers posed by seismic activities in the future or
  3. An alternative to DSTP is the Waste to Wealth concept using the world class technology to convert mine waste tailings and waste to commercial products as outlined in 7 exhaustive discussions and presentations in Lae and Port Moresby between the proponents of Waste to Wealth concept, CEPA Minister ad MPG.

Furthermore, Governor Saonu explained that Morobe Province will not stand in the way of the National Government and the Developer if they accept Morobe Province’ Stand Point and consent to:

  1. The State Providing Sovereign Guarantee so we can buy additional Equity in the Wafi-Golpu Mine
  2. The State provides us Tax Credit to the Value of K1.2 Billion
  3. The State gives us 10% awarded to us through the Court as Free Carry Equity and
  4. The State allocates to us another 10% Equity as Market Value
  5. The State and the Developer accepts the MPGs Position Paper already presented to MRA last year

Governor Saonu, while presenting the Position Paper strongly stressed that the mine waste disposal system must be dealt with properly before operations can resume.

He also expressed that he is ready to stand with his Party Leader, Hon. James Marape to take PANGU Pati to the next level in mining development that balances the scale by giving greater Ownership, Partnership, Participation and Investment to the landowners and indigenous citizens of Papua New Guinea in the development process and leaving no one behind.

The answers to the Position Paper are expected to be delivered on Wednesday, April 27 at Lae.

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