MINISTER for Defence Dr Billy Joseph on Friday was hosted by the Australian Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) and Minister for Defence, Richard Marles for the 2025 Papua New Guinea-Australia Defence Ministers’ Meeting in Brisbane, Australia.

The two Ministers reaffirmed the defence relationship as a key pillar of the Comprehensive Strategic and Economic Partnership between the two countries and discussed an ambitious agenda to modernise the longstanding defence partnership.

Reflecting on Papua New Guinea’s 50 years of independence, the Ministers recalled the creation by PNG’s leaders of the PNG Defence Force (PNGDF) in 1975 from the Pacific Islands Regiment and the Australian Army. The closeness and respect between both forces was forged by standing shoulder to-shoulder during the darkest days of World War Two.

While much has changed in the 50 years since independence, the unique defence ties between PNG and Australia have only strengthened. The Ministers commended the strong record of bilateral defence cooperation and the substantial progress in recent times. The work of the Defence Cooperation Program is delivering tangible enhancements to PNGDF capabilities and bringing both forces closer together. The Ministers commended the integration between PNG and Australian forces, who proudly train, exercise, deploy and work alongside each other every day.

Both Ministers recognised the integration of the PNGDF in all major multi-national
exercises in Australia. They noted the significant number of ADF personnel who visit PNG
each year to conduct valuable training alongside their PNGDF counterparts – benefiting
greatly from training in the country’s unique geography. They acknowledged the mutual
readiness to support each other in times of need, including in response to Australia’s
2019-2020 Black Summer bushfires, and more recently, to the eruption of Mt Bagana in
Bougainville and the devastating landslide in Enga Province.

Building on this unique history and closeness, the Ministers announced their shared
commitment to negotiate a bilateral defence treaty. The Treaty would build on the historic
Australia-PNG Bilateral Security Agreement signed by Prime Ministers Marape and Albanese in 2023, which provides the overarching framework for cooperation between Australia and PNG across all areas of security. The Ministers noted the shared geography, history and security interests make PNG and Australia natural partners.

The Ministers discussed their ambition for the Treaty, agreeing it would expand and modernise the defence relationship and facilitate deeper integration. They agreed the
Treaty would make it easier for Australia and PNG to support each other’s security and
contribute to the collective security of the region.

Recognising the growing capabilities of the PNGDF, the Ministers agreed PNG would host
a component of Exercise Talisman Sabre in 2025. They value this proposal is an important
demonstration of the deepening integration between the PNGDF and ADF, adding to the
existing array of joint and multilateral exercises both nations share. The Ministers looked
forward to marking PNG’s upcoming 50th anniversary of Independence and continuing
to build a defence partnership for the future.

At the conclusion of the Defence Ministers’ Meeting, both Ministers acknowledged their
support and commitment in strengthening the PNG-Australia defence partnership.

“I would like to acknowledge my friend and counterpart, Dr Billy Joseph, for his vision
and ambition for our defence partnership. I look forward to strengthening our defence
relationship through a new defence treaty,” DPM Marles said.

Defence Minister Joseph acknowledged his Australian counterpart for sharing the same
ambition and strategic vision for the mutual security of both nations.

“Our defence relationship was born out of conflict in the Pacific. It is fitting we pursue a
defence treaty, based on the enduring nature of our defence relationship.

“I want to thank DPM Marles for the opportunity to host a component of Exercise Talisman Sabre this Myear. This will enable us to train and affirm our interoperability. This is a natural progression and maturing of our defence relationship,” Dr Billy said.


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