THE Papua New Guinea Forestry Authority (PNGFA) has sworn-in two new National Forest Board members.

Yesterday at the PNG Forestry Headquarter in Port Moresby, Steven Yanopa and Dr. Igo Gari were sworn-in as Community Representative and Provincial Government representative respectively.

Chairperson of National Forestry Board, Faith Barton, joined the Minister for Forestry and Managing Director to officially welcomed the newly appointed members.

Ms. Barton, who conveyed her acknowledgement towards their appointment expressed that the board has now full members to deliver for the Forestry sector and the country.

She is adamant to working with the board for a better development that brings more impacts as they move forward as a team.

“I look forward to more creativity and legacies setting ventures here at the PNGFA for the benefit of not only to the current users but those that are coming later as well.” Ms. Barton said.

She extended her gratitude towards the Managing Director for PNGFA, John Mosoro, for his visionary leadership and the way he delivered so far.

“To see the end result is a state of the art; boardroom which raises its status immensely”.

Ms. Barton values the responsibility the board plays to raise the bar and perform expected task and responsibilities.