Basil Jnr offers office space for NID in Bulolo

Member for Bulolo, Hon. Sam Basil Jnr.

MEMBER  for Bulolo, Hon. Sam Basil Jnr, has expressed his support for the call to have all citizens registered with the PNG Civil and Identity Registry by bringing the NID team closer to his people.

Honorable Basil Jnr said at the launch of the MV Basil that he is granting office space to the NID department in Bulolo to facilitate the NID registration process for his constituents.

“Wau Bulolo has the blueprint for NID, and the Minister can revisit those blueprints and work towards registering all citizens,” Hon. Basil said. 

“I hope we can finish what we started before; ensuring that all newborns, school children, and everyone in the community are entered into our updated system.”

The processing of NID cards has been a concern for many, and while the Ministry and the team are exploring every option to address these issues, Hon. Basil Jnr. believes that having an NID office nearby will be a great relief for his people and resolve some minor issues.

Basil Jnr assured the NID team that his District Development Authority (DDA) would look into assisting the office in Bulolo and cater for other services such as housing. 

“I want to work in collaboration with the Minister and ensure my DDA supports your ministry, especially with NID,” he said.

He also extended an open invitation to government departments to consider taking up office space in Bulolo to prevent his people from having to travel out of the province for services. 

“We believe we are 60 percent there already in terms of NID processing. We just need support from your ministry to complete and get everyone fully registered,” he added.

Furthermore, the MP supports making the NID Act mandatory, which would greatly help with travel and banking. 

“Getting everyone registered helps us get every detail digitized, making it easier to track down anyone causing problems in the communities.”

He also requested assistance from the NID office for transport to carry out NID operations in the Bulolo communities.