Monday, February 24, 2025
HomeNewsNewsOPIC enhances community safety and support Oil Palm growers

OPIC enhances community safety and support Oil Palm growers


THE Oil Palm Industry Cooperation (OPIC) has taken significant steps to support oil palm growers in Sorovi, Oro Province, by enhancing community safety.

OPIC General Secretary Mr Kepson Pupita and his team recently traveled to Sorovi to officially open new police houses that will accommodate officers working to improve peace and order in the area.

The two police houses will accommodate police officers who will work with the community to address peace and order in the community.

Previously, an old police house in Sorovi had deteriorated due to a lack of maintenance funding, leading to the withdrawal of officers and a rise in law-and-order issues within the community. This prompted OPIC to intervene, providing much-needed support for the people, particularly the oil palm growers.

Project Manager Philip Krai said that oil palm is the province’s primary cash crop, with 60 to 70 percent of the population relying on it for their livelihood. However, increasing law-and-order issues have made growers feel unsafe traveling to their blocks, also deterring potential investors.

Krai thanked the OPIC CEO for funding the project, which included the construction of the two police houses and revitalizing the rundown police station at a cost of K12,000 to K13,000.

He also acknowledged former project Manager Mr Joe Kom for initiating the project, which received approval and funding from the CEO.

With the completion of the new facilities, Sorovi will now have stationed police officers to address local law-and-order challenges.

During the official opening, Mr Pupita handed over the keys to Popondetta Provincial Police Commander Mr Segi, marking OPIC’s commitment to community and national safety.

He also promised to provide a vehicle to assist the officers in their duties.

Mr Pupita stressed the importance of addressing law-and-order issues to create a safer environment that allows community members to focus on their livelihoods.

 He called on local leaders to work closely with the police, stating: “The police station serves as a warning for youths involved in drugs and homebrew, it is not to stop them, we need to provide employment opportunities,” he explained.

He further announced plans to implement similar initiatives in the four other subdivisions—Sorovi, Igora/Isivini, Saiho/Aika, and Ilimo — which holds 14,000 hectares of oil palm and 5,870 smallholder blocks.

Provincial Police Commander Mr. Segi thanked Mr. Pupita for extending policing services beyond Popondetta town and committed to making effective use of the new facilities.

The significant event was attended by members of the Oil Palm Growers Association, NBPOL Smallholder Affairs Manager Mr Sopa Caleb, growers, and other key stakeholders.

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