Sunday, September 22, 2024
HomeNewsDeclaration of National Emergency in Enga Province

Declaration of National Emergency in Enga Province

THE Governor-General, acting on the advice of the National Executive Council, has declared a National Emergency in the electorates of Porgera-Paiela, Kompiam-Ambum, and Wapenamanda in Enga Province.

Minister for Police, Hon. Peter Tsiamalili Jr., MP, confirmed that the declaration aims to stop the ongoing violence between illegal settlers and local communities.

“The situation, driven by generational conflict, has deteriorated, and law enforcement must intervene to prevent further bloodshed,” Minister Tsiamalili said.

He highlighted that violence has spread to the Porgera mine area, where rival groups of illegal squatters have been fighting. These squatters are being removed by police as they pose a threat to businesses, locals, and mine operations.

“Normal laws are not enough to curb the actions of violent criminals. The emergency declaration provides security forces with the legal authority to restore order, remove combatants, and protect critical infrastructure,” the Minister added.

Measures being enforced include regular roadblocks to detect unlawful movements and contraband, with escalated use of force against anyone carrying illegal firearms or weapons. Additional measures include improving the capacity of the Mukurumanda Correctional Services facility and the Porgera police station and courts. A liquor ban is also likely to control violence and unruly behavior.

Minister Tsiamalili emphasized the importance of the Porgera mine for jobs and revenue, stating, “Illegal squatters are not only undermining mine operations but also putting their own people, including children, at risk when they rush into the mine after blasts to steal gold-bearing rocks.”

Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police, Joseph Tondop, has been appointed as the Controller for the National Emergency for two months. He will oversee measures to restore law and order in Enga Province.

“ACP Tondop knows the area and its people well. He has the full support of the Police Commissioner, myself, and the Marape-Rosso Government to take a zero-tolerance approach against criminal activities,” the Minister stated.

The Governor-General has declared the National Emergency for a period of two months, subject to review before its conclusion.


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