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HomeNewsNewsGovernor Haiveta joins opposition

Governor Haiveta joins opposition

Statement by Governor Hon. Chris Haiveta

A Decision for the Future of Papua New Guinea

Today, I stand before you to make a solemn declaration—a decision that marks a critical
turning point in our nation’s journey. With deep conviction and unwavering resolve, I am
stepping away from the Government to join the Opposition, effective immediately. This
decision has not been made lightly, nor has it been influenced by external forces. It is a
stand born out of necessity, driven by the pressing and unresolved issues that plague
our current leadership under Prime Minister and Parliamentary Leader of Pangu Pati,
Hon. James Marape.

A Clear and Conscientious Choice

Let me be unequivocal—I remain a dedicated member of Pangu Pati, bound by my
loyalty to its principles and accountable to its constitution and articles of association, the
national convention, the Governing Council, the Gulf Provincial Assembly Caucus, and
the party board. My move to the Opposition is not motivated by personal ambition,
corporate interests, or the allure of political power. My only aspiration is to serve the
people of Gulf Province and Papua New Guinea. This decision is a clear and conscious
choice made in the best interest of our nation and its future.
In making this decision, I call upon my colleagues within the Government to recognize
the gravity of our situation and join me in the Opposition. Together, we can confront the
challenges that our Prime Minister has not only created but continues to ignore. I am
prepared to remain in the Opposition until 2027 if that is what it takes to restore our
country to the path of righteousness and progress. Our country deserves leadership that
is transparent, accountable, and truly dedicated to the well-being of all its citizens. The
time has come to put aside political differences and focus on what truly matters: the
future of Papua New Guinea.

A Betrayal of Trust

I once held great pride in the leadership of Hon. James Marape. Today, that pride has
turned to profound disappointment. Our party leader and Prime Minister has failed to
uphold the values upon which Pangu Pati was founded. His continual disregard for the
critical issues facing our nation has forced my hand.
Hon. James Marape has steered the Pati away from its core principles, engaging in
power politics and weaponizing public funds in ways that undermine the vision and
integrity of our party. The Gulf BDG saga has opened my eyes to the unprincipled
actions that have persisted for far too long. The Prime Minister has lost his way and
forgotten the responsibilities that come with leadership. He has strayed from the reasons
he came to power, repeating the same mistakes that now consume him and impact the
people of Papua New Guinea. His values have been compromised, and it is time for him
to step down from the seat of Prime Minister.

Total Breakdown in Party Leadership

A betrayal of trust is not limited to the governance of our nation—it extends deep into the
heart of Pangu Pati itself. The working relationship between the leadership of the Pangu
Pati and the administrative wing via the Pangu Council has completely broken down.
There has been a lack of consultation by the leadership of the Parliamentary wing with
the Party on important decisions, despite advice provided by the Pati Council and myself
as an elder of Pangu Pati with vast experience in the Party’s governance, systems, and

As the former Leader of the Party, a stalwart, and someone who holds the institutional
memories of the Party close to my heart, it is deeply troubling to witness how far we have
strayed. The reputation, integrity, standing, and good name of Pangu Pati have been
dragged through the mud, painting a bad picture for all the wrong reasons.
For far too long, the Parliamentary wing leadership has operated in isolation,
accommodating, encouraging, and facilitating a parallel Pangu Pati office with people
who are not the legitimate executives or officials appointed by the Pangu Council and the
administrative wing of the Party. This is a clear violation of our Party’s structure and hasled to a loss of confidence in the leadership of the Parliamentary wing. This erosion of
trust and integrity has resulted in the defections we have witnessed, starting with Mr.
Paita, and now myself, with others likely to follow.

A Call to Action: A National Convention is Needed

With these reasons and many more, I am calling on the Pangu Pati Council and the
Pangu Pati branches throughout the country to convene an urgent National Convention
to address this situation immediately. The different organs of the Party, including the
Pangu Council, the Parliamentary wing, and the administrative wings, must be subjected
to the National Convention via the Party’s Constitution, in compliance with the OLIPPAC.

The Marape Legacy: A Catalogue of Failures

Over the past five years, Marape’s actions have shown a disturbing pattern of failure—no
delivery, no accountability, and no recourse when things go wrong. He has never once
apologised for his missteps. These are not the values of Pangu Pati leadership. Although
he may be a part of Pangu Pati, he does not truly embody its principles. For these
reasons, I am leaving the Government.
Consider the following examples as some of his failures:

  1. K10.1 million for COVID-19 vaccines—an expense without clarity or
  2. K6.7 billion in COVID-19 funds—where have these funds been spent?
  3. Zero foreign direct investment—the Papua LNG Project, once slated for 2022/23,
    is now delayed until mid-2026.
  4. Connect PNG—billions spent on roads to nowhere, with contractors left unpaid.
  5. APEC report—nothing received.
  6. UBS Loan—Marape, as Finance Minister, approved the UBS loan under Section
    61 of the PMFA, yet no action has been taken.
  7. Sale of BSP shares—another decision made without transparency.
  8. K66 million contract to a close associate—to dump soil from Paga Hill to the old
  9. Outstanding legal issues with the Chief of Police—remain unresolved.
  1. Paraka-gate issues.
  2. Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) issues.
  3. PNG LNG Project—legacy landowner issues remain unresolved, despite being a
    key promise that brought Marape to power in 2019.

Why I’m Leaving: The Case Against the Marape Government

The Marape-Rosso Government has failed the people of Papua New Guinea. We are in
the midst of a growing cash crisis, with rising living costs, a lack of transparency, stalled
major projects, and a pervasive decline in investor confidence. These are not just
economic issues; they affect the daily lives of every Papua New Guinean. Businesses
are hurting, families are struggling, and the very fabric of our society is being torn apart
by a government that has lost its way.

James Marape must adhere to the laws of Papua New Guinea—laws that have
governed this nation for 49 years and are now being blatantly abused. He must follow
the law. Our nation’s legal processes are not suggestions; they are mandates that must
be respected and followed without exception. The Prime Minister’s continuous disregard
for these processes is not only unlawful but also a dangerous precedent that threatens
the very foundation of our democracy.

Furthermore, we require better funding redistributive outcomes across the country. The
allocations of resources must be fair, covering our provinces and districts in a way that
promotes the development of the whole nation. This is not merely a request; it is a
demand for equity and justice that this government has repeatedly failed to meet.

The illegal transfer of K20 million intended for Gulf landowners—without proper
authorization—is just one example of the financial mismanagement that has infiltrated
our national government. This transfer was neither requested by me nor the Gulf
Government. What was his motivation to illegally transfer this money—first K60 million to
Enga, and then K20 million to Gulf—both illegal transfers, with no explanation provided
and only blame placed on the Treasurer? We know it was the Prime Minister’s decision.
This case, currently being fought in the courts, highlights the critical need for
transparency and accountability in the management of Business Development Grants
(BDGs) and Infrastructure Development Grants (IDGs). The misallocation of these fundshas created significant challenges for provincial governments, including my own in Gulf
Province. This mismanagement not only cripples our ability to serve our people
effectively but also erodes the confidence of investors—confidence that is crucial for our
nation’s development.

A Vision for a Brighter Future

My vision for Papua New Guinea is one where the government works for the people, not
against them. It is a vision where the vast resources of our nation are used to improve
the lives of every citizen, where transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of
our democracy, and where every Papua New Guinean can look to the future with hope
and confidence.

The future of Papua New Guinea is in our hands. It is up to us to take the necessary
steps to ensure that our nation moves forward, not backward. The time for action is now,
and I am ready to lead us into a brighter future.

The Future of Pangu Pati

The future of Pangu Pati as the leading party in the 2027 elections hinges on our actions
today. Our leadership must prioritize transparency, accountability, and the equitable
distribution of resources to regain the trust of our people and secure our party’s future.

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