Saturday, February 22, 2025


Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has announced
significant progress in the health sector of Papua New Guinea
since taking office in 2019, especially development in the
areas of cardiac health and cancer facilities.

“When we took office in 2019, one of our pronouncements
was that by 2025 we should not export PNG patients seeking
heart, cancer and other specialist care overseas. Since then,
our National Department of Health (NDoH) has been
partnering Kumul Petroleum Holdings Ltd (KPHL), utilising
their 10 percent community service funds, and today Port
Moresby heart facilities are at almost top function,” Prime
Minister Marape stated.

In providing an update on the Cardiac Center, PM Marape
made known that 2,300 angiograms have been completed
since a Memorandum of Under-standing was signed in
August, 2020. Three hundred and fifty (350) Stenting Pro-
cedures have been completed since 2020, of which 70
percent are male and 30 percent are female.

“These people were saved from potential stroke or heart
attack by detecting early and treating them. 50 percent of the
Angiogram and Stenting are professionals with economic
value from the ages of 40 –50, at the peak of their contributions to the nation.

“Children now don’t have to wait for Operation Open Heart
(OOH) for Open Heart Operations to be carried out. Our
doctors are saving lives through Non-Intrusive Surgery, plus
preventing the operations scare for children that could
potentially amount to self-esteem related issues,” he said.

The Prime Minister also highlighted that Port Moresby General
Hospital (PMGH) is installing the CathLAB equipment,
purchased under KPHL MOU for K5 million, in which there will
be two CathLAB machines and can be able to serve more
Papua New Guineans.

“The cardiac patients could have paid a minimum of K100,000
to receive the treatment overseas, excluding associated costs,
stress, pressure on family, and so on. We saved the nation
K130 million, plus the lives of Papua New Guineans, and
some of these are very important people for our country.

“As a result of KPHL intervention to PNG Government
decision, we now have reduced OOH visits to only eight (8).
Prior to KPHL MoU, we had 60 Operation Open Heart Team
visits to PNG. A lot of Papua New Guinean doctors are being
trained at the same time under the KPHL MoU, for
Cardiologists at PMGH, as a result of KPHL-PNG Government
investment,” stated PM Marape.

PMGH Cardiac Service has been awarded the Asian

Cardiology Association Award in Dubai (UAE) for the ground-
breaking Non-Intrusive Surgery, thanks to KPHL-PNG
Government investment.

The Master Plan for PMGH is developed to align all services
and teaching with the new facilities.

In terms of the Surgical Ward facilities, EPC award is being
completed, and the Designer is in place.

“We are now working with UPNG Medical School, PMGH,
NDoH and all stake-holders to ensure standards. As soon as
that is clear, we will start the construction,” the Prime Minister

“For the Heart Facility, we are now getting patients from
various parts of the Pacific Region so Medical Tourism can
grow here. On top of that, very soon both PMGH (Port
Moresby, NCD) and Angau (Lae, Morobe) Cancer Facilities
will become operational.

Prime Minister Marape added: “To my beloved Papua New
Guineans, my opponents argue that I talk and not delivering
but I don’t argue with them; we are working where we can.
Just go to PMGH to see all these if you don’t believe.”

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