Tuesday, April 1, 2025


April 4, 2022


FINSCHHAFEN electorate in Morobe province announced the creation of sub-district and two new local level governments (LLGs) to cater for the demand in service delivery.

Existing Yabem-Mape and Burum-Kuat LLGs have been separated to form two more LLGs which have increased the number of LLGs in Finschhafen electorate to seven.

Mape is now separated from Yabem while Burum from Kuat LLGs.

This was announced on the ground on Friday last week by the Minister for Inter-Government Affairs Pila Niningi, together with the Finschhafen MP and Minister for Government Business and Planning Rainbo Paita.

Speaking to the people of Mape in Makini, Paita said he is pleased with the separation of the LLGs as it will facilitate development in his electorate.

“On behalf of my people in Mape I want to say thank you to Minister (Niningi). You gave self-governance to Mape LLG. A lot of people will say why we separate the LLGs but Finschhafen district is very big. Therefore, we have to separate LLGs for leaders to be closer to the people. Mape will have its own president and Yabim too will have its own president. We also declared Burum and Kuat’s separation today,” Paita said.

Paita added that the number of people in the LLGs were too big therefore, there was a need to separate the existing LLGs so the presidents would work closely with their people in development.

Minister Ningi also shared his sentiments saying Rainbo fought very hard over time to get all everything done.

“Now you have a new born child called Mape; I am giving you freedom,” Niningi said.

Ningi further urged the people to look after themselves and be established well.

Moreover, the operations and administrations of Finschhafen electorate will now be managed under two separate administrations following the creation of a sub-district.

All the seven LLGs (Yabem, Mape, Kotec, Finchaffen Urban, Burum Kuat and Hube) were separated into two sub-districts.

Burum, Kuat and Hube will now be under the newly established sub-district and Mape, Kotec, Finschhafen Urban and Yabem will be managed in a separate administration.

Paita also thanked the current government through Niningi for the development taking place in the Finschhafen electorate.

“I have LLG break away, sub-districts established because of our good government. Burum, Kuat and Hube will have the similar government officials to the once at Gagidu,” Paita said.

He said similar to the operations in Gagidu, the sub district will also have the same.

People from Mape, Yabem, Kotec and Finschhafen Urban will excess government services in Gagidu as their headquarters while the sub-district would build a new administration head quarter for the people of Burum, Kuat and Hube.

“Two districts, one electorate, one member and two chief executive officers (CEOs),” he said.

Apart from creation of new LLGs, the establishment of sub-district in Finschhafen electorate is the first of its kind in the country.

Minister Niningi further encouraged the people of Finschhafen to follow the laws and work with their leaders to see more service delivered in their district.

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