Sunday, February 23, 2025
HomeNewsMaru announces move to join government

Maru announces move to join government


YANGORU-SAUSSIA MP Richard Maru whilst assuming his new role as the Parliamentary leader of the People’s First Party announced his move to join the government.

Maru moved to the middle bench early this year when announcing his resignation from the People’s National Congress Party as their Deputy Party Leader.

However, today he made it public that he would join Prime Minister James Marape and seat in the government bench.

“I would like to work with the Marape government heading into the 2022 election to provide political stability at this very difficult time the country is currently faced with,” he said.

Maru strongly reiterated that there is no need to move any vote of no confidence motion against the government with only 12 months remaining before the next election.

“Politicians need to leave politics aside and work together to serve the people at this difficult Covid-19 period.

“All our people need now is political stability and I don’t know why some leaders are so desperate to move a motion of no confidence at such critical time when we are faced with an economic downturn,” Maru said.

He said no one can make miracle at this very short period if one decides to change the government.

The Yangoru-Saussia MP said his party had a lot to contribute to the government within the remaining 12 months and key among them is to enact the Foreign Investment Regulatory Legislation.

“When I was the Commerce and Industry Minister, we initiated this key reform that is to bring back a comprehensive set of reserve business exclusively for citizens under the Foreign Investment Regulatory Legislation or an amended IPA Act.

“That is to ensure that people go into business that are exclusively for citizens and not for foreigners,” he said.

He also said that he would like to support the government implemente the ICAC Law and related legislations like the Whistle Blowers Act and unexplained wealth legislation.

Apart from these key legislative changes Maru’s PFP would want to see that the government venture into economy base agriculture investment.

“This is to ensure that we replace the country’s multi-billion kina food imports by commercially producing our own food, thereby keeping PNGs wealth in the country and transferring wealth to our own farmers,” he said. 

He added that he would also support the government in any effort to reduce the cost of doing business in PNG.

Maru will work with the government to implement key policies in the reform of State-Owned-Enterprises, including the commercialization of the National Development Bank.

He will Push for the immediate setting up of the Credit Guarantee Corporation, with the Bank of BPNG and discourage the export of raw commodities like cocoa beans and other raw materials exported, which could be processed locally and create thousands of jobs and bring in much needed foreign currency inflow.

Among the many, the PFP under Maru would work with the government towards electoral reforms in finding solutions to enhance the integrity of the political processes through which political leaders are elected, thereby creating level playing field for all eligible citizens’ political participation.

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