Prime Minister Marape Praises Bryan Kramer’s Service Following Resignation

PNG Prime Minister Hon. James Marape

PRIME Minister Hon. James Marape yesterday acknowledged the service and contributions of Madang MP Hon. Bryan Kramer, following Kramer’s resignation from the Marape-Rosso government.

In a statement, Prime Minister Marape expressed his gratitude for Kramer’s dedication to the country during his tenure as a government minister.

“Hon. Bryan Kramer spoke to me earlier today, indicating his intentions as a gentleman and a leader, ” said the Prime Minister.

” Let us respect his independence and decision. We thank him for his contributions to our country under my watch,”

Prime Minister Marape said, noting the importance of respecting Kramer’s decision to step down from the government.

Kramer, who has been a prominent figure in the fight against corruption, was appointed to the Cabinet in 2019 despite not initially supporting Marape’s bid for Prime Minister.

Marape highlighted this as an unprecedented move, made in the interest of bringing the best talent into the government to address the nation’s challenges.

“I made an unprecedented move in 2019 of appointing him and Sinasina-Yongomugl MP Kerenga Kua as ministers despite them not voting for me then to become prime minister, ” Prime Minister Marape said.

” Based on my belief that we needed the best talent on board to develop our country as well as fight corruption, I did the unthinkable by drafting Mr. Kramer into Cabinet because of his strong advocacy for anti-corruption and good governance,” Marape explained.

During his time in Cabinet, Kramer held several key ministerial portfolios, including Police Minister and Minister for Justice & Attorney General.

Marape commended Kramer for his efforts to restore the Police Force, including the appointment of Commissioner David Manning, and for his work in passing critical legislation such as the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Bill.

“He was in Cabinet from 2019 all the way to 2022, when he had to face a Leadership Tribunal. Mr. Kramer understood the magnitude of the task we were faced with in corruption and the restoration of our economy,” Marape stated.

“Something I can’t take away from Mr. Kramer is that he is a strong advocate for good governance and doing the right thing. This country needs leaders who are not infatuated with money or fame but who stand up to do what is right for the country,” Marape said.

Prime Minister Marape also expressed his hope for continued collaboration with Kramer on issues of mutual concern, both in Madang and on a national level.

“I thank Hon. Bryan Kramer for all his contributions to Government as a minister, and I look forward to working with him in areas of common interest, whether it is Madang or national issues,” he said.