Private Business Committee refused VONC filed against Prime Minister Marape


ACTING Speaker of Parliament today announced that the Private Business Committee has refused the VoNC filed today against Prime Minister James Marape and nominated Governor Ipatas as an Alternate Nominee.

He explained that under Section 111 (1) of the Constitution and Standing Orders 165 as quoted as follows;

Section 111(1) of the Constitution;

Any MP is entitled to introduce into Parliament, in accordance with, and subject to any reasonable restrictions contained in the Standing Orders of the Parliament, a petition, question, bill, resolution or motion.

Standing Orders 165 is a reasonable restrictions which states under the Heading “Renewal of Motion”.

“The Speaker, or subject to Standing Order 214 the Chairman of Committees, may, in his discretion, disallow any motion or amendment that is the same in substance as any question that, during the previous 12 months, has been resolved in the affirmative or negative, unless the order, resolution or vote on the question has been rescinded”.

Although the motion of no confidence names a different alternative PM, it’s main purpose or question in the same in substance. It is a notice of no confidence against the same incumbent Prime Minister Marape which was defeated 75 to 32 votes on 12th September 2024 and that was within the 12 months.

In short, it was noted that Section 111(1) of the Constitution and Standing Orders 165 places restriction on moving any motions within 12 months if the substance of the matter was already dealt with by Parliament. In this case, it is a Motion of No Confidence against the same PM James Marape which was delt with by Parliament just 2 months ago. Therefore, it’s within the Constitutional requirements and within the Standing Orders to reject the VoNC Motion.