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HomeNewsHealthSHP Health Authority revives school visit program

SHP Health Authority revives school visit program


SOUTHERN Highlands Provincial Health Authority ( SHPHA) has revived its School Visit Program by visiting three (3) primary schools; North Mendi Primary School, Kumin Primary School, and Tente Primary School commencing  Monday 24 February 2025 and has carried out integrated medical examinations for Grades 3–8 students along with teachers.

SHPHA – Health Promotion Program Manager Dunstan Konop said, “The SHPHA’s main objective is to provide better school health service for school children to become part of the Healthy, Wealthy, Wise, Fair, and Happy generation of Southern Highlands and of course PNG.

“The school health program we are conducting is aligned with the PNG Government’s policies in the likes of ; PNG National Health Plan 2021-2030,  Child Health Policy 2009,  Health Promoting Schools Policy 2005, Mental Health Policy 2010, and of course Gender Equality Policy 2002.

School Health Program Team : (School medical & health promotion team). Image supplied

“We are piloting this integrated school health program in only 3 urban primary schools for this year 2025, thus when we are done with these 3, we may further extend to five districts in the province (Nipa Kutubu, Mendi Munhiu, Imbonggu, Ialibu Pangia and Kagua Erave)”, he said.

“The SHPHA intends to integrate the following school health program activities;

-Medical Examination (Physical Examination),

-Advocacy & Implementation of WaSH facilities in schools in partnership with the schools’ administration,

        ●Creation of Drinking & Hand washing basins  ●Ventilated Pit Latrine Toilets

        ●Establishment of Menstrual Hygiene Management System

        ●Establishment and construction of VIP Toilets for the Person Living with Disabilities (PLWD)- GEDSI

        ●Environment & Sanitation

-School Clinics,

-Food & Nutrition Intake,

-Mental Health & Wellness,

-Oral Health,


-Eye Clinic,

-Violence Free & Antibullying,

-HIV & Sexual Reproductive Health,

-TB & Leprosy Awareness,

-Community Engagement,

-Referral pathways,

Student doing eye screening test. Image supplied.

However, the school health program in the province has been around since pre independence but has declined over the years.  In fact, some rural health facilities often conducted their school medical or school health awareness but the approach we are taking this year is basically to do the full specialists medical check,” Mr Konop highlighted.

Mr Konop also states that when the team is done with the

three primary schools a formal discussion with the provincial education department to work together and implement this program in all the institutions in the province gradually is paramount.

The School Visit Program was solely funded by the provincial health authority under the leadership of SHPHA CEO Dr Joseph Birisi, Director Public Health Mr George Epei, Diretcor Curative Health Dr Martin Sa’avu and the of course the Acting Director Corporate Services Mrs Magrate Moya.

From left: Dunstan Konop-Health Promotion Program Coordinator
and David Binowi – Nutrition Program Coordinator. Image supplied.

“There is no counterpart funding from any stakeholders but SHPHA is taking full responsibility through each of the respective health program managers’ Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) budget, especially from the Health Promotion Program under the Public Health Directorate and Family Support Centre led by Sr Marry Balupa.

“We are doing school medical and of course general school health advocacies. However, in terms of actual implementation, especially for the hardware component of the health programs;

-Construction of the students & Staff’ VIP toilets

-Construction and establishment of Menstrual Hygiene -Management System for the female staffs & students

-Construction of Toilets for the Person Living With Disabilities (PLWD)

-Hand washing basins

-Clean water supply and

-Proper drinking water tapes.

We would need a funding support from the education sector, other stakeholders and of course the respective DDAs in the province,” Mr Konop stressed.


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