Ladies and gentlemen, I now take this significant initiative in making a callout to all Southern Highlanders throughout Port Moresby City to unite, and collaborate with contributions to address the pressing issues at hand.
Given the current state of this matter in Eastern Highlands Province, it requires a collective effort to ensure the safety and security for our people in the upper highlands, as well as restoring normalcy and peace. This issue must be resolved, before further destruction and joint escalation continues.
The Tunjup Tribe in Upper Mendi, Mendi Munihu District and Governor Hon. William Powi are not the only parties responsible for this issue. This is now a provincial matter that needs our cooperative efforts to have it resolved.
I now call for a collaboration to take an holistic approach on this matter for the betterment of our people in Mendi Munihu Electorate, Southern Highlands Province and Upper Highlands at large.
Since the body of the late Police Officer is still here, I am appealing to all sons and daughters of Mendi and SHP for us to show course, remorse and sorrow by attending the haus krai here at Gordons, Port Moresby.
I am taking the lead on this initiative by pledging a K5000 base contribution and appeal to all from Mendi and SHP regardless of your tribal or political affiliation to come and we gather tomorrow (Saturday 01st March) at Unagi oval during midday and attend the haus krai.
The relatives and families of the diseased have are part of the Powes Parkop team so from here we can communicate effectively and channel the message down. Let’s establish a people to people mutual understanding and all else will befall.
The Safety and Security of our students and people in Goroka and the traveling public is at stake and we can’t operate on chances by passing the bug. Let’s stop typing and commenting, but rather put words into action and take ownership on this matter.
Whatever happens here in Pom will certainly have a ripple effect down to Goroka and Eastern Highlands Province so I make this solemn appeal to you all to attend this haus krai contribution tomorrow, midday at Unagi oval.
Dr. Newton Alberth
Executive Officer to the Governor for National Capital District