Saturday, February 1, 2025


The Sinesine Yongomugl District finally embarked on this milestone of launching its long-awaited District Youth Development Council. This is a collaborative effort of the National Youth Development Authority and the District Development Authority of SineSine Yongomugl, with the support from the Minister for Petroleum, Hon. Kerenga Kua.

The commissioning of the interim executives and the official launching ceremony was held at the Ku Junior High School on the 17th of November 2023 (last week Friday) with an outstanding reception which hosted the Director General of the National Youth Development Authority, Mr Joe Itaki and his delegation, the Provincial Administrator for Simbu Province, Mr John Punde, Simbu Provincial Community Development Advisor, Ms. Catherine Aiwa, as well as the Sinesine Yongomugl District Development Authority representative Dennis Bal and his delegation.

It took 11 years of continuous work in order to have a formal, independent youth voice mechanism and structure that is legitimate and recognized by the Youth Development mandated agency, under the leadership of Hon. Kerenga Kua, who set the foundation of establishing the United Sinesine Yongomugl Youth Association, which has transitioned into a District Youth Development Council that connects youth representatives from ward level, to the LLG and then to the District.

During the launching ceremony, the Simbu Provincial Administrator, Mr John Punde congratulated NYDA and the DDA of Sinesine Yongomugl for establishing the first District Youth Development Council in the province; and he called on to invite NYDA to establish the remaining 5 Districts within the Province.

The Director General, Mr Joe Itaki, in his remarks, acknowledged the call to action by the Provincial Administrator and further stated that the youth council in the district opens many opportunities for the personal and skills development of youth where it is an avenue that will groom young leaders to be agents of change in society. He also added that the National Youth Development Authority considers the youth council network as a vehicle for youth service delivery that acts as the engine room of youth development work, resource mobilization, and meaningful youth engagement in LLGs, Districts and in the Province.
The same sentiments were shared by Ms Catherine Aiwa.

The National Youth Development Authority will return next year to continue to build the capacity of the youth council by conducting Leadership Capacity Building workshops and Skills Development Trainings to empower youth within the district; and at the same time consult with the remaining 5 Districts within the province in preparation of the set of their disteict youth councils as well; and hopefully the Provincial Youth Development Council of Simbu.

Simbu Provincial Senior Magistrate, Eric Kapal, presided over the commissioning of the youth council executives.

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