Sunday Bulletin receives Financial Inclusion Media Contribution Award


THE Sunday Bulletin has been awarded the 2024 Financial Inclusion Media Contribution Award.

The award which was part of the Centre for Excellence on Financial Inclusion (CEFI) Financial Inclusion Policy Forum and Excellence Award was held on Friday in Port Moresby.

The award honours financial institutions, the media, provincial governments and individuals’ efforts in promoting financial inclusion.

The award was presented by CEFI and witnessed by Bank of PNG Governor Elizabeth Genia and representatives from financial institutions and media organizations.

Governor Genia commended the work of CEFI as well as the winners of the award and stressed on the importance of partnerships between financial institutions, media organizations, and other stakeholders in supporting financial inclusion.

“Tonight is about celebrating the outstanding achievements that have brought us to this point, not just access to financial services, but the fostering of the culture in financial literacy and a real sense of empowerment among the people,” Genia said.

The media award highlights Sunday Bulletin’s dedication to bridging the gap through impactful journalism which plays a vital role in driving financial literacy and inclusion.