Taskforce to take action on investigation results


NEW Ireland Provincial Government has sought help of a taskforce team to advise and assist effect recommendations of a special investigation audit into the accounts of the New Ireland Provincial Government.

This follows findings from the audit report alleging misappropriation by thirteen public servants of the New Ireland Administration including senior public servants.  

The audit sanctioned by the PEC, investigated regular cash expenditures between the period 2021, 2022, 2023, up to May 2024.

The audit report showa serious weakness in important internal controls and compliance measures.

It further reveals alleged fraud activities committed by senior executives and public servants.

New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan said PEC was concerned about excessive unauthorized expenditures showing in the monthly cash position reports to the government.

The alleged fraud committed in various forms include, approving, facilitating and making payments to their own private business, misappropriating cash advances, submitting false claims for refunds and abuse of teachers leave fares.

The audit report also revealed that payments relating to fuel, stationaries and mobile phones indicated a trend of abuse and misappropriation in collusion with suppliers.

Governor Sir J said the Taskforce team has commenced legal action on the recommendations of the audit.

Meanwhile, the Governor has signaled public servants in New Ireland to uphold their oath in office and to serve the people with honesty and integrity.

“My government needs the support of the people of New Ireland, business houses and contractors to monitor honestly and get New Ireland back to a reliable and honest administration, providing reliable service to the people,” said Sir J.