Two International Police Officers join RPNGC



TWO of the very experienced Australian Federal Police (AFP) officers joined the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC).

The officers swore an oath yesterday at police headquarters to serve Papua New Guinea and its people without fear or favor.

Chief Superintendent Rodney Swain was engaged in the role of Executive Director for Community Policing and will report to the Assistant Commissioner Operations. 

He will work closely with the Community Policing Directorate, mentoring and building capacity to rebuild the Reserve Constabulary. 

Chief Superintendent Glyn Lewis was engaged in the role of Executive Director of the National Fraud and Anti – Corruption Directorate and he will report to the Assistant Commissioner of Police (Crimes).

The two officers were engaged by the RPNGC on a two – years contract. They pledged their allegiance to PNG and will operate under our local laws and police codes of ethics.

Police Minister Peter Tsiamalili Jnr said he is pleased to have them in the Constabulary and is looking forward to the positive impact and expertise they will bring to RPNGC.

“They will work closely with our frontline police, bringing with them over 30 plus years wealth of experience and expertise,” he said.

The Minister also thanked the AFP for their continued support in financing the RPNGC so that security and well-being of every PNG citizen is protected. 

Police Commissioner David Manning said he was impressed by their CVs and after an extensive review by the recruitment team, they we’re highly recommended as perfect fit for the RPNGC.

“There should be no questions in where their allegiance lies. They’re here wearing our uniforms, serving our people and they’re now members of the RPNGC,” Manning said.

He added the two Officers are now members of the RPNGC and whatever they do will be under the rules and bylaws of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary. 

“They have served in the Police force in other Common Wealth countries and have demonstrated a high level of professionalism, integrity and commitment in their previous roles,” Manning said.

The Commissioner welcomed them in the police force and said he can’t wait to work with them during the term of their tenure.

“This is something that has been a long time coming. It is a significant and deliberate step for the RPNGC to not only commit to do better in terms of rebuilding the force but in a manner that it is sustainable bring benefits to the Police Force and our communities” said Manning.


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