PRIME Minister James Marape and Governor for Western Province Hon. Toboi Yoto witnessed the signing of an agreement for a major project of integrated road construction for the people in western province.

The Department of Works was also present along with various landowners from Western provinces at the Government House in Port Moresby to announce their collaboration in the agreement that was facilitated by the Governor General of Papua New Guinea Sir Bob Dadae.

Prime Minister Marape applauded the Western Province Projects Limited for coming on board to spearhead the project alongside with the communities and landowners of Western including the high experts from Italy.

He explained, the project incorporates harvesting of forestry in a sustainable manner and agricultural projects as well as over 300 km of road.

“As we go into the project, Western Province and the landowners together with our national government will earn 20 percent out from this project as signified in the agreement”, Prime announced during the media conference.

“For me, this project ticks off everything. My own government’s policy of not just focusing on oil, gold and gas but moving to a sustainable part of our economy and this creates thousands of jobs.”

Marape further spoke of how grateful the country is, to receive investors coming in, in the area of forestry and other spin-off businesses.

He commended Governor Toboi Yoto for an outstanding leadership in organizing with his people, ensuring necessary negotiations and discussion between the landowners and the provincial government to bring the western investors coming on board in developing their resources.

“Governor Toboi Yoto does not mouth-off but remains footed based on key government policies and he is able to mobilize landowners, government and linking up with national agencies which we have seen the progress of the project”.

He elaborated further, the project is perpetual and believed to last for a longer period with significant life transformation benefits and value to the people of Western and the country as whole