WNB records six Covid-19 related deaths, community transmission on the rise

West New Britain Governor, Francis Maneke. Photo: WNB Web

WEST New Britain (WNB) has reported a total of six Covid-19 related deaths and community transmission is evident on a large scale.

This was revealed in a situation report presented by Pandemic Incident Manager, Dr William Toua during the WNB Provincial Health Authority board meeting in Kimbe on Friday, April 16.

Governor Francis Maneke and Provincial Advisory Committee chairman and Provincial Administrator Williamson Hosea also attended the meeting.

The province, now on a level 3 alert has detected 118 new cases in the past two weeks with total now at 337. There is also an increase in the number of influenza like illness, cough and fever.

The four new deaths reported in the past two weeks include a three women aged 40 and 60 respectively and a 60 year old man.

There is an outbreak of 43 cases at Lakiemata Correctional Services institution. These cases have been isolated.

Kimbe General Hospital has scaled down services after 24 of its staff tested positive while oil palm company- New Britain Palm Oil has 43 cases.

The Manaia Guest Houses has continued its support in accommodating positive cases until a recent break and enter that saw two cases sustained traumatic injuries and phones stolen.

The Provincial Advisory Committee has endorsed coordinating instructions for immediate implementation in line with the nationwide Isolation Strategy.

Chairman Hosea expressed grave concern over the lack of compliance by people and business houses with regards to the ‘Niupela Pasin’.

Mr Hosea said the Provincial Advisory Committee will meet next week and approve supplementary orders that will see the involvement of police in enforcing the Niupela Pasin.

Governor Manake said Covid-19 and addressing law and order problems is being prioritized.

Mr Manake commended the health team for taking the risk and committing to the people and for keeping up with data as it will assist in understanding the extent of the serious pandemic in the province.

“The important thing is that people are yet to adhere to the ‘Niupla Pasin’ and if it needs doing more awareness, road blocks to assess how many passengers are travelling on those vehicles, so be it.

“WNB will start to impose penalty fees to people not adhering to the Niupela Pasin and I support this,” Mr Manake said.