PNG Censorship office outlines corporate plan



THE Office of Censorship will set an ultimate annual plan for this year that will capture the road map to implement key priorities and areas to achieve its new five-year organizational corporate plan 2021-2025.

According to Chief Censor Jim Abani, he is mindful of the 2021 Annual Operational Plan to be launched in the first quarter. 

“We are mindful of our responsibility as an organization to be accountable to the government by ensuring positive outcomes and impacts strengthen partnership with our external stakeholders and expand our networking and communication with all related State agencies and private sector organizations.’’

He said the office took stock of its achievements in the past five years 2014-2018, “and this is the Annual Operational Plan (AOP ) 2021-2025 which will be launched in the first quarter of 2021, along with the revised National Censorship Policy II.’’

The purpose of the AOP, he said was to provide the road map on the implementation of the key priorities and performance areas that will include:

  1.   Reviewing of the Classification of Publication (Censorship) Act 1988
  2. Development of the Operational Guidelines for Enforcement and Committee and Compliance
  3. Regulation Workshop on Music, Commercial Advertisement, Entertainment, Films and Television Industries
  4. Development of Office of Censorship 5 year Training Plan
  5. Development of Office of Censorship Awareness Raising Strategy Pan for 2024.

 He said with the development of the Annual Operational Plan 2021, “I am optimistic that we will deliver our programs and activities effectively and efficiently.’’

“The utmost aim of developing this Annual Operation Plan (AOP) is to ensure all activities intended for implementation under each of the three main divisions are logically planned out against resources and time frame,’’ he said.

He said, AOP 2021, will not cater for new activities but include activities, which were not fully implemented last year as well as ongoing activities.

Whilst on that note, Abani stated that the National Censorship Policy II Corporate Pan 2021-2025 and Decentralizing of Censor’s powers are nearly into completion, whilst, Review of Classification of Publication (Censorship) Act 1989, needs additional attention.

“The office is prioritizing these activities thus, allocating resources to ensure completion of these activities is a must for this year,’’ he said.