PNGNRI launches plans to influence decision making

Minister Raminai third from left along with the NRI management staff showing the Strategic Plan 2021-2030 and the Corporate Plan 2021-2023 at the launching of the plans at NRI in Port Moresby. Photo: Charlie Dumavi/PNG Bulletin


THE Papua New Guinea think thank, National Research Institute (PNGNRI) has launched its plans to improve the progress of the institution as a leading government research institution in the country.

The Strategic Plan 2021-2030 is a 10-year plan that works along the vision and mission of NRI, while the Corporate Plan 2021-2023 will provide guide lines for NRI to see development takes place for the nation and stakeholders in terms of informed decision making.

Minister for Higher Education Research Science and Technology and Sports Wesley Raminai who was present to launch the two plans announced that his Ministry is looking at working closely with NRI to move forward.

“My ministry will ensure dialogue and communication on matters affecting the country and make sure PNG makes decisions based on evidence and research. NRI is to do research into the quality of education and the persons that are coming out of the education system to see whether we are producing quality educated and skilled persons required by our country going forward,” Raminai said.

Acting Director for NRI Dr. Osborne Sanida said in his speech that the launching marks a very important day for the NRI public policy in its effort to inquire, inform and influence decision making in the country.

The Strategic plan 2021-2030 focuses on several key areas starting with the mission and the vision that set directions, governance and management on its legal basis the structures, research division plans, and the guiding principles under which the institute operates.

“It is vital to state that the success of the plans does not depend only on what the institution has and does but also on how we work with our stake holders.

“I also acknowledge my staff that will be on the forefront driving this and implementing the activities to achieve the goals and objectives of the two plans,” Dr Sanida said.

Minister Raminai also challenged the NRI to step up and do a research into the emerging influence of social media and develop a film making industry in PNG.