City Loop Taxi Service sets bench mark

City Loop MD Jenny Wangua and grand prize winner Priscilla Kavora. Photo: Supplied

A reputable taxi service in Port Moresby is setting the bench mark in transforming the taxi service industry in the city, after sighting one of these important basic services not properly regulated in the city.

This was the motivating factor that has inspired the enthusiasm and drive for Jenny Wangua to establish the City Loop Taxi service in 2016.

Mrs Wangua had that determination to improve the taxi industry from her own establishment to give customer satisfaction to her valued clients and customers in the city to make a difference.

And after four years in operation, City Loop Taxi service has been rated as one of the best public commuting services that has provided the best customer service opportunities to its clients.

It was all about sheer determination, audacity and courage that Mrs Wangua from Enga saw her dream became reality.

She started off with six taxis and now has a total of 60 in her fleet with drivers paid fortnightly.

Unlike other taxi operators, City Loop is the first taxi enterprise that has integrated its services with GPS tracking, Call Center and EFTPOs machine, installed in all its 60 fleets.

This is with an idea to upgrade the taxi level of operations to give customer satisfaction to its commuting public that utilise its services, says Mrs Wangua.

“It is about transforming the taxi industry that customers appreciate our services. Because for too long, the taxi industry and even the regulators had not provided those essential services in the industry,’’ Mrs Wangua said.

“We are providing essential services to the public and it is important RTA and other stakeholders assist.”

RTA is reviewing its current process, integrate the process to make it efficient and convenient for the taxi services in the city.

But one of the most important aspects that Mrs Wangua had realised and appreciates today, is the fact that, she is putting food on the table for 60 families and helping them with their day to day needs, school fees and etcetera in the city through providing employment opportunities for their husbands and father to be employed as drivers.

City Loop Taxi has also been vocal in promoting its community obligations and in 2020 Independence Day (September 16), the taxi service had provided eight hours-free ride to its valued customers through a promotion, a milestone achievement created by the taxi service.

Just prior to the New Year celebrations, yet again the taxi service made a break through.

This time the taxi company advanced out K6,000 through a cash prize give-away promotion.

The promotion saw a mother winning K3,000 bonanza that will help her child continue on her education at Gordon Secondary School.

The grand winner was Priscilla Kavora from Northern.

She was speechless when contacted via phone that she was the lucky winner for the City Loop taxi mega draw.

“I was speechless when I was told through phone that I won K3,000 from the City Loop taxi service promotion.

“I wasn’t aware of the promotion until I was dropped off at Kilakila surburb from Caritas East Boroko after paying K20 and the taxi driver tells me to fill a form for the draw,” Kavora said. 

The other two winners in the other categories were Michael Moke who collected K2,000 and Essy Rex who bagged K1000.

Mrs Wangua said during the festive season, customers were given the privilege to fill in the entry form after every K20 ride for the promotion.

‘’So thus it is about giving back to the community as our community obligation priority and setting the bench mark in the taxi industry,’’ Mrs Wangua said.

She added that City Loop will be doing a Back to School Promotion starting at the end of January to give opportunity to its customers tap into the service provided by the taxi company that is making a difference in the taxi industry.

“City Loop Taxi Service does not only concentrate only in making money overnight, but community obligation is a package within our business priority to give back to the community,” she said.

Mrs Wangua now plans to extend her business to other centres as well.