Commercial processes need to be ironed out before reopening Porgera Mine, says Marape

The closed Porgera Mine in Enga province. Photo: Mine Watch

PRIME Minister James Marape says the significance of getting national projects correct right at the start far outweighs anything else and it was important all details were sorted for Porgera before the mine could be reopened.

PM Marape was responding to Opposition Leader Belden Namah who had decried the non-opening of Porgera by 16 September as previously mentioned by the Prime Minister.

“The operating company in Barrick has been present in Porgera right through the care and maintenance period,” PM Marape said.

“The key details of the partnership are already set under the Framework Agreement. The commercial arrangement has to be carefully designed to take account of financing arrangement, and the benefit split, and meet important stakeholders’ requirements.

“Every other commercial agreement will be built on the Commencement Agreement so we have to ensure that we address important commercial issues correctly.

“This is about being responsible. I cannot bring to life something that may later compromise the different stakeholders’ interests.

“It is very important that we get this correct from Day 1, instead of starting off on a platform that we will regret later.

“Dates and deadlines are set for us to work towards. There are many factors and forces at play in such mega negotiations including stakeholder partners who are contending with their own issues outside of our field of view that might have some effect on project talks.

“I cannot compromise the country’s interest and reopen or progress to the next phase just because of our set dates. Datelines are supposed to act as guides and points of focus,” said the Prime Minister.

PM Marape added that a statement he had released earlier on 16 September contained sufficient explanation on project status.

“We are almost there with Barrick except for a few important issues that need to be sorted out,” he said.

“These have slowed down our progress somewhat, delaying our start production on 16 or after 16 of September 2021.”

PM Marape said it was important that before political leaders – including the Opposition Leader – offered comments or criticisms, they must make it their business to understand clearly what is going on.

“Political intentions and directives are given, but the commercial processes must now take their course. These processes dictate the pace and timing,” PM Marape said.