Gaming industry opens for business under strict compliance

Poker Machines to open tomorrow. Photo: supplied

THE gaming industry in Papua New Guinea is set to reopen tomorrow under strict compliance to the New Normal protocols.

Following constant dialogue between the National Gaming Control Board (NGCB), gaming stakeholders and the National Control Centre (NCC); the industry is expected to return to its normal operation.

In line with the directive from the NCC, all Gaming Machine sites will reopen tomorrow May 13, while all the Bookmaker sites will reopen a week after.

NGCB acting Chief Executive Officer Imelda Agon has welcome the decision of re-opening the gaming industry while re-affirming the industry’s preparedness to operate under strict COVID –19 protocols.

“We are grateful to the NCC for relaxing the restrictions on the gaming industry”.

“The re-opening of the industry will see hundreds of ordinary Papua New Guineans going back to work and the return of normal business,” Agon said.

Agon added that the COVID – 19 pandemic had taken a negative toll in all businesses in the country and the gaming industry was no exception.

“We were aware of the ramifications of COVID – 19 and at this juncture, I would like to thank the Pandemic Controller and the National Government for their wisdom and leadership during this time”, Agon said.

Meanwhile, the NCC will assist the NGCB to prepare a Standard Operating Procedure, with banners, fliers, pamphlets and other information mediums to ensure awareness and compliance with the Niupela Pasin.

-Press Release-


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