PM calls for probe into PNGDF recruitment process

New Defence recruits at Goldie Barracks. Photo: FB

PRIME Minister James Marape has called for an immediate cease on the Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF) recruits training at Goldie Barracks.

In his capacity as the acting Defence Minister has now requested the Secretary of Defence to appoint an external investigator to carry out investigations into the recruitment process and other relevant issues within the force.

In a letter dated 15th of September, 2021, Marape wrote to the Acting Chief of Defence Force, Commodore Philip Polewara directing an immediate suspension on the training at Goldie Barracks and to repatriate all the recruits back to the point of recruitment.

This call was made following a recent dismissal of 166 army recruits who have been dismissed from training for having not met all the requirements in the enlistment process.

The 166 recruits were reportedly  sent home due to failed medical tests , having not met the age requirement, and have not come through the normal recruitment process. 

 “This is a sad saga, which has totally tarnished the image of PNGDF.

 “I have been informed that Defence Council in its decision number 103/2019, in 2019 to freeze the recruitment until the recruitment system is reformed to ensure these biases are completely removed from the recruiting process.

“However, PNGDF leadership has not adhered to its own council decision,” Marape wrote in a letter.

Prime Minister Marape also noted that the previous Defence Minister, Saki Solomon in his instruction dated  9th December 2019 to the Chief of Defence Force to temporarily freeze the recruitment until the Defence Council review the existing procedures  and processes for recruitment.

The Secretary for Defence, John Akipe has welcomed the call made by the Prime Minister.

Mr. Akipe said under the Defence Act 1974 as part of the PNG Constitution- the Defence Minister as Chairman of the Defence Council which comprises of CDF and Defence Secretary has the powers to call for an enquiry or investigation into certain matters or affairs of PNGDF.