PM Marape challenges staff to put nation’s interest first

Prime Minister James Marape. Photo: PNG Bulletin


“As you pick up a plate of food today and eat from a public funded lunch, think of the 90 percent of people who are longing for a plate of food in the remote parts of the country,” Prime Minister James Marape told over 100 of his staff at the Department of Prime Minister and NEC Christmas party today.

“I do not want you to just feast and celebrate during Christmas but ponder on how best you have served your office and country,” Prime Minister Marape told his staff.

Mr Marape said public servants make up only three percent of the population of elites in the country while the majority of 90 percent plus are living in poverty in remote provinces throughout the country.

PM Marape said 2020 has been a hard year with the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak which caused a global economic recession affecting PNG. Then the political stability recently further challenged him.

The Prime Minister said despite the challenges he called on his officers to remain focused and pursue their tasks.

“As we reflect on 2020, I want us to ask ourselves a few questions about our actions and inactions and how we have contributed to our work and country. Have we remained faithful to our country,” PM Marape asked?

The Prime Minister further quoted former US President John F Kennedy expression to Americans; “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.”

“Public Servants and Politicians need to ask themselves what they have done for the country, “ Prime Minister Marape said.

He said PNG is an abundantly blessed country, however majority of its people still live in poverty.