Sunday Bulletin backs Hitoro Sharks

Sunday Bulletin Circulations and Operations Coordinator Esra Mirupasi Presenting cash money to Hitoro Sharks President Lobi Kai (left) outside the Bulletin office at 4-mile while club treasurer Kevenasi Goradim (middle left) and Captain ET Mason looks on.


THE Sunday Bulletin’s commitment to assist the Hitoro Sharks touch footy club with cash money of K200.00 to participate in the June Valley Arere (JVA) Association at the festive season was fulfilled.

Circulations and Operations Coordinator Esra Mirupasi when presenting the cash to the Sharks club officials said the Bulletin had to honour their commitment to be given after the end of the competition but due to some unforseen matters they (Bulletin) had to defer it to later date.

Esra said we are grateful to the youths who support us with the sales of the newspapers on the streets and it is an honour to promote the youth in another dimension like sporting activities.     

Sharks club were amongst the twelve (12) men’s touch footy competition that won the minor premiers’ award before thrashing Titans 10-2 at the grand finale to take up the touch footy men’s trophy at the JVA off-season competition.

The proud captain ET Mason said this would not have happened but the players were inspired by Bulletin’s sponsorship of the new uniforms and the consolation of the company that lifted the spirit of the team.

“It has been 10 years since the JVA touch footy and soccer competition has started, the Sharks were unable to make it to the final until we made it in 2020 and we are so glad,” Captain Mason said.  

He thanked the Bulletin management and staff for their remarkable support in recognizing the unfortunate youths and wished to work together with the locally owned newspaper company. 

Since the Sunday Bulletin started its printing, these boys from the June Valley assisted by selling the newspapers on the streets in return a new set of uniforms and consolation cash money was delivered.

The JVA touch footy and soccer competition has 12 men’s team and 10 women’s team in the association  that are from June Valley while the only newcomer from the suburb outside of June Valley Baruni Storms could not make it to the finals.